Welcome to the 2025 Tuesday Night League!
To get you better acquainted, here are a few guidelines:
- To reserve play on League Night, contact CWGA by noon on Monday, via email cwgaleague@gmail.com. Specify whether playing best ball or your own ball. If you have a group (max 4) or friend you want to play with, only one email with all players listed is necessary.
- CWGA will email/text reminders for weekly sign up. If you are not receiving notices, contact a Board Member.
- Upon arrival, you will pay the pro shop $28 cash for 9-hole play that evening. If you pay by card, Honey Bee will add the service charge.
- Be in your cart and ready to go no later than 5:00 or 5:15 p.m.
- The "A" foursome will play 1st. "B" foursome will follow after "A" is out of driving range, i.e., approaching green. A & B groups never play "together" as this impedes pace of play.
- Each week we will "crown" a Queen Bee from Membership Roster!
- Each week we will have a Greeting table in the pro shop with League info, Beehive Grill menu/order form, & blind bogey game of chance--$1 per number. Draw will be before play starts.
- After Play each week, join other members at the BEEHIVE GRILL https://www.honeybeegolf.com/barandgrill which offers a varied menu for all palettes. Please pre-order dinner @ our Greeting table before play. **Beehive Grill requires a minimum of 10 dinner reservations to remain open after play ends. Let's support them while getting better acquainted with each other!!
- Prize Nights are for paid members only. Dinner, catered by Beehive Grill, & prizes will be after the round. Everyone must drive from the silver/white tee boxes and play Best Ball. Prize categories are: 1st place lowest team score, "2nd chance" drawing for remaining teams, longest drive in age category, and closest to the pin. Take a chance on a 50/50 raffle!! $1 per ticket or 6 tickets for $5.